Star Mandarin Teachers & Tutors in Suzhou
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Category AAA: star tutors (top trainers with experience in universities, international schools, corporate trainings, etc)
Avid learner's choice! 27% of all learners choose tutors from this category!
Recommended for: fast & efficient learning, group or corporate training, business Chinese, Chinese on specific subjects.
Can't decide on your best fit from the list? Fill out request form for our recommendations! Many more of our great tutors don’t like online exposure, therefore are not listed on the website.
AAA | Code: 5700
Shen Wei (Celine Shen)
“Teacher for Princeton Immersion Program"
Age | 26-35 |
Residence | Industrial Park, Suzhou |
Major | Teach Chinese as Second Language (Master) |
Profession | Mandarin teacher |
Languages | English, Chinese |
Experience | 5 years |
Hourly Rate | 140RMB |

AAA | Code: 5701
Xu Lei (Eileen Xu)
“2 years experience teaching in universities"
Age | 26-35 |
Residence | Industrial Park, Suzhou |
Major | Teach Chinese as Second Language (Master) |
Profession | Mandarin teacher |
Languages | English, Chinese |
Experience | 6 years |
Hourly Rate | 150RMB |