Please Fill in the Reservation Booking Form below

To request availability or to book this tutor, simply fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible to confirm the availability.

If the tutor is available, we will put you in touch with him/her. If not, we will give our recommendation. You can then discuss and fix tutoring details. Afterwards, pay one-time service fee and full tuition fee, based on total booking hours, upfront to start learning! (no charge will occur until the point you start lessons)

We respond to every request (via email). If you do not get a reply from us within 2 working days, we may not have been able to reach you. Please contact us again. If you have other questions, send email to

Please note we only handle bookings with minimum 40 tutoring hours that start within 30 days (you need to start lessons within 30 days at longest after booking).

Tutor Requested

Xu Minjia (Jessica Xu)
Standard Hourly Rate: 110RMB

AA | Code: 5301

* Above is standard 1-1 rate based on 2+ hours teaching per time. For 2 to 4 students taking lessons together, the rate will rise by 30%, 60% and 100%. Final rates might vary according to tutor's popularity, commuting distance, time and frequency of lessons (within ± 20% range). Confirmation shall be given after booking.

City (*)
Lesson Location (*)
When to start? (*)
Total Booking Hours (*)
Time, Frequency & Duration (*)
Budget (hour) (*) RMB from to
Learner Current Chinese Level (*)
Learner Description & Language Target (*)
Tutor Requirement
Additional Requirements
Terms & Conditions

The following are terms and conditions for booking Chinese/Mandarin tutors via ShanghaiTutors.Com. Do not agree to the terms and conditions unless you both fully understand and accept each one. If you have a question or concern which is not covered here, please contact us.
ShanghaiTutors.Com is a tutor booking site, offering a marketplace for those seeking tutoring services to connect with those seeking to provide tutoring services. We work with independent tutors. We do not employ or manage tutors. You are responsible for selecting the right tutor for your needs. Your bookings are made with tutors on your own judgment and you are employing tutors as independent contractors by direct binding contract. We will not be involved in any student-tutor interactions. We do not accept liability for any disputes, conflicts between you and tutor or any accident, loss, injury or damage of any kind during and after tutoring.
We make appointment with you to meet and interview requested or our recommended tutors after we receive reservation/booking from you. There is no charge for interview in our office in Shanghai. If you require interview to be held in your place instead of our office, we charge 50rmb if you are located within inner ring of Shanghai, or 100rmb outside inner ring.
Tuition Fee
Check standard rates in tutors' profiles for reference. Discuss tutoring rates and details with the tutor on meet. Tuition fee will be charged based on total booking hours if you decide to take the tutoring, before the first lesson. Full tuition fee should be paid upfront through ShanghaiTutors.
Service Fee
400rmb for 1-1 private tuition regardless of tutoring length. This fee is only charged one-time for successful referral and is to be paid along with tuition fee upfront before tutoring. If you study in a group, there will be 200rmb surcharge on service fee for each additional student studying in the group. Textbook, if used, is to be paid separately by actual price of the book. For big group and corporate bookings, service fee varies; please consult to confirm.
All these payments are to be made in CASH in RMB or by bank transfer (only RMB transfer within China). Credit cards are NOT accepted. Please be sure to have with you the necessary funds before you start the first lesson. Tutoring will not start until the learner has made the total amount in full (full tuition fee plus the service fee).
Continuous Support
Service fee guarantees you one year continuous support from us. If anything goes wrong with tutoring (e.g. conflict of schedule, decrease of teaching quality, or you simply want to change a tutor), we can provide another tutor (tutoring rates need to be discussed and confirmed with new tutor). There is no limit in changing tutor within 1 year.
Minimum 40 tutoring hours is required for any booking. ShanghaiTutors.Com reserves the right to modify the conditions when necessary. The number of persons (adults and children) taking the lessons must not exceed the number confirmed in the contract. In the event that the maximum number of individuals is exceeded, the contract is immediately terminated. Service fee and tuition fee will be recalculated to proceed with the lessons under a new contract. The substitution of person(s) during the contract period is forbidden unless previously agreed with us. We will allow the transfer of a learner's booking to another person/party. The request must be sent in writing to us for approval. The lesson location, time, frequency is a matter of discussion between learner and the tutor and will be included in contract. Change in these factors will result in change in tuition fee. We and the tutor do not provide the place. It is learner’s responsibility to provide a suitable place for tutoring. Tutors can refuse tutoring if the place is unhealthy, hazardous or requires mandatory consumption. The learners may not use the paid hours for any purpose other than Mandarin learning, such as translating, interpreting, writing papers, guiding, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by us. The learners shall not engage in any activity or practice that is or may become a nuisance or offence to the tutor, or that might invalidate any insurance policies effected on the tutoring.
Age Requirement
There must be at least one individual over 18 years of age who will supervise entire tutoring sessions for
No-Show Policy
Learners should notify the tutor at least 8 hours in advance if they want to delay or cancel lessons. If a learner does not show up at the pre-scheduled time (and has not notified the tutor of any delays or cancellations), the hours will be treated as taught and the tutor is not obligated to wait for you. If you do not show up or arrive in time, monies paid associated with these hours will be forfeited. We will not issue refunds for situations arising from inclement weather, illnesses or any personal reasons for no-show.
Prepaid but unused portion of tuition fee is refundable for any reason, whether you want to shorten the hours or stop learning, as long as you notify us within service time (1 year)
1 There will be 5% processing charge on returning tuition fee to cover our administrative costs.
2 Request made in written form to moneyback@ShanghaiTutors.Com within service time (1 year)
3 Refund will be made in 20 working days after requesting.
4 Refund does not apply to the event that learner has previously breached contract or engaged in illegal or improper behavior, language.
5 Resuming lesson with same tutor without giving us notice will invalidate Money Back Guarantee
6 Refund will automatically terminate 1 year service while one time service fee is not refundable under any circumstance.
Student Complaints
If you have any problem regarding tutoring during contracted hours, you must notify the tutor immediately. Should the tutor not be available or the problem cannot be solved, you should contact our staff or Emergency Complaints Number previously provided with the contract. Complaints notified only after finishing the lessons cannot be taken into consideration.
Tutor Complaints
In the case of complaints coming from tutors due to illegal or improper behavior or language, once verified, we reserve the right to immediately terminate contract and cancel the lessons without refund of monies paid, and you will be subject to Chinese laws.
All tutors have the right to decide not to teach you. In the event that this occurs, we will arrange a comparable tutor at the original rate for you. The learner agrees to hold us harmless. This also applies to the event that the tutor elects to remove himself/herself from the presentation of ShanghaiTutors.Com. If comparable tutors are not available, the learner agrees to accept refund of unused tuition fees the learner has paid for.
On the rare occasions in which circumstances force us to cancel a learner’s booking, the learner can choose another tutor with equivalent qualifications among our available listings.
In the case that the alternative options do not fit the client’s needs, we will refund the total paid amount and we will incur no further liability.
We and the tutor reserve the absolute right to terminate any individual’s contract for disruptive behavior without any refund.
We reserve the absolute right to reject any person from using our service without reason.

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