Novice/Part-time Mandarin Teachers & Tutors in Shenzhen

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Category A: novice/part-time tutors (0-1 year experience)
Budget learner's choice! 8% of all learners choose tutors from this category!
Recommended for: learning for fun & hobby, daily conversation, spoken practice. Supplement to formal school learning.

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A | Code: 4001 Sun Boyu “Offering business related Chinese"
Age 21-25
Residence Futian, Shenzhen
Major Accounting (bachelor)
Profession Auditor
Languages English, Chinese
Experience Less than 1 year
Hourly Rate 90RMB
A | Code: 4002 Zou Haifeng (Eddy Zou) “Teach foreign students in western style"
Age 18-20
Residence Luohu, Shenzhen
Major Administration (bachelor)
Profession College student
Languages English, Chinese
Experience Less than 1 year
Hourly Rate 80RMB


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